Men's Cross Country team, 1966
- Title
- Men's Cross Country team, 1966
- Creator
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Description
- Front Row: Bazinet, Wirzbicki, Smith, Belisle, Bay, Capt. Palulis, Zepp, Hopkinson; Back Row: Mgr. Loring, Downie, Pomfret, Amazeen, Raslavsky, Coach Sanella
- Date created
- 1966
- Keyword
- Men, 1960s, Athletics, and Cross Country
- Publisher
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Identifier
- RG215_18_00040 and UA005.01.0031.00040
- Resource type
- Image
- Rights statement
- License
- Record in Digital WPI
- Click to view record