
Contact Us

If you need to report a problem using Digital WPI, or would like to request assistance or share feedback, please email us at digitalwpi@wpi.edu

Known Issues and Planned Enhancements

Digital WPI Exhibits (beta version) is continuously undergoing review and enhancements as we work to share the diverse and rich resources that highlight our innovative teaching and learning and cultural heritage. Below are a few recognized issues and planned enhancements.

  • Image viewer is not available for most images - The image viewer implementation is in progress, at this time please select the "Click to view record" link at the bottom of the record to view the image in the Digital WPI repository.
  • Limits on available search facets - Currently only one search limit facet from each category can be applied.

General Search

The persistent search box (available for most exhibits) can be used to search all records within the exhibit. To search for content enter keywords, phrases, authors, and other terms in the search box, and then click the magnifying glass icon next to the box or click the return/enter key. Searching is not case sensitive. For example, searching for "washington monument" or "Washington Monument" will yield the same results.

Filtering Your Results

After doing a keyword search, use the facets/limiters on the left side of the page to limit/filter your search. You can limit a search, for example, to content published in a specific year or range of years, authored/created by specific people, and so on. You may remove limiters/filters by clicking on the “x” to the right of the filter term at the top of the results list. Note that not all works use all of the filters/facets.